Page:Narrative of a Voyage around the World - 1843.djvu/196

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By the kindness of my excellent friend, Mr. Barron, a large packet of newspapers, affording us the official intelligence of the accession of our Maiden Queen, Victoria, was immediately on our arrival despatched to us, with dates to September.

On the 21st of December the Venus arrived from Mazatlan, when we had the satisfaction of renewing our acquaintance with our French friends. I found from Captain du Petit Thouars, that he had been successful in his examination of the coast of California, and had surveyed the Bay of Magdalena, rounded Cape San Lucas, and proceeded to Mazatlan in the vain hope of obtaining supplies. Here he was equally unsuccessful, excepting in flour, of which he obtained forty barrels at a very exorbitant price. Many of his crew being ill with scurvy, which I believe first made its appearance at Kamtschatka, he determined on proceeding immediately to Acapulco, and landing them until recovered, and