Page:Narrative of a Voyage around the World - 1843.djvu/214

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Having suffered much of late, horse exercise was recommended to me; and as my professional duties might be much assisted by fixing some of the principal peaks in the neighbourhood, I determined on making an inland excursion for that object. Having paid a visit to Mr. Bridge, the hospitable proprietor of a fine sugar plantation at San Antonio, and which he manages to work with great success, I made arrangements, through his assistance, for mounting the Viejo volcano, from whence I could obtain an extensive view, not only of the mountains, but also of the features of the coast. Provided with the necessary instruments, and accompanied l)y the surgeon, a mate, and botanical collector, we started for Chinandega at p. m. on the 8th, fully intending to ride on to Moyatepita (a farm belonging to Mrs. Bridge) the same night; but owing to the stubbornness of our guide, who was lately married, and his wife residing at Chinandega, we were unable to advance until five the