Page:Narrative of a Voyage around the World - 1843.djvu/369

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year. The Indians called Flatheads live on the upper branches of the river, and, we were informed, have

Indian Skull
Indian Skull

not this practice—lucus a non lucendo. It is, however, not quite confined to the Columbia.

The Starling being again complete, we dropped down to Baker's Bay, taking leave of our friend, Mr. Birnie, in charge of Fort George, who had been unremitting in his attentions. On the morning of the 14th September, we quitted Baker's Bay, with light breezes, but, owing to the peculiarity of the currents, did not clear the heads until the wind failed, compelling us to anchor.

Before the tide had done, the sea-breeze came on strong; very fortunately, I had taken the precaution to reef and be in a condition to beat out, and had just completed, when the strength of the breeze