Page:Narrative of a Voyage around the World - 1843.djvu/404

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On the evening of the 21st Dec., we quitted San Blas "homeward bound," but on a long but deeply interesting cruise, in the novelty and delight of which all seemed to be deeply interested. With light airs from S. E., we cleared Tres Marias, shaping our course for the almost unknown islands of Socorro and Clarion, now, I trusted, to be definitively placed. In this we were entitled to be confident, should we be fortunate enough to obtain a landing, having sufficient proof of the value of our present force of chronometers.

We ran over the position of San Benedict without noticing anything like land, and on the 25th December hauled to the south for Socorro. About four p.m., having ascertained our position by evening sights, and that the island ought to be visible, I went on deck to examine the horizon, and fortunately discovered its summit on our beam. But for this accident, we should possibly have been