Page:Narrative of a Voyage around the World - 1843.djvu/44

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ments as will prevent any loss of time in firing the rockets for determining the meridian distance across the isthmus.

This object having been effected, or found to be impracticable without serious delay, you are hereby required and directed to proceed forthwith to carry into execution our orders formerly given to your predecessor Captain Beechey, as well as the instructions of our hydrographer, which were framed under our directions; copies of both of which papers are herewith inclosed for your information and guidance.

But as it appears that Captain Fitz-Roy has continued the survey of the western coast of South America, from the termination of Captain King's Survey at the peninsula of Tres Monies as far as the Gulf of Guayaquil, you are to consider as executed so much of our orders to Captain Beechey; excepting such further details in that interval of coast as you may be directed to obtain in the additional instructions addressed to you by our hydrographer, which are herewith transmitted.

Given under our hands, the 16th of November, 1836.


Chas. Adams.

To Commander Edward Belcher,

Appointed to command
His Majesty's surveying vessel Sulphur.

By command of their Lordships.

John Barrow.