Page:Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flanders between the years 1803 and 1809.djvu/101

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  • suing spring. In the beginning of November,

two sailors were sparring in the yard, and so common was this amusement, that it attracted the notice of no one but a stupid conscript of a sentinel, who, fancying they were quarrelling, quitted his post, and commenced a brutal attack on them, with the butt end of his musket: this breach of military discipline, soon collected a mob, and the endeavours of the men to ward off the blows, gave them the appearance of acting offensively. The guard was called out, when the gendarmes, rushing through the mob, cut and slashed on all sides. Whitehurst, whom I mentioned in the early part of this "Narrative," and I, happening to be there at the time, roused with indignation at such wanton barbarity, also pushed in, in the hope of preventing bloodshed. The Marèchal de logis, observing us in the "mêlée," desired us to send the men to their rooms, who, upon the order being given, immediately retired. This prompt obedience, bearing the appearance of generally acting under our influence, was, no doubt, the cause of our being de-