Page:Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flanders between the years 1803 and 1809.djvu/222

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on parole. Moyses was to endeavour to intoxicate, or, in any way, evade the guard, for which purpose, he was to select one not averse to the juice of the grape. It may be necessary to explain, that it was a common custom in all the depôts of punishment when, any one, of the rank of midshipman, wished to go into town, to purchase provisions, or for other purposes, for him to be always accompanied by a gen d'arme, who expected his fee, the amount of which, generally influenced him in the length of time he remained. Although this was supposed to be done in secret, it was always connived at by the commandant, who, probably, had his portion of it. Succeeding thus far, Moyses was to get out of the town the best way he could, and join us in the suburbs; when we should immediately drive off for Brussels. At this place, a false passport was to be ready for him, to proceed and join the inhabitants of the garret. In the event of being pursued, we were to desert the cabriolet, fly to the woods, and travel to Bruges, by night: or, if it should appear