Page:Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flanders between the years 1803 and 1809.djvu/65

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authority over the prisoners is known, I trust all doubt on the subject will vanish. But the following circumstance may first be noticed, as a specimen of the gallant general's delicacy.

After Sir Jahleel had been visiting the depôts, General Wirion told him, that, as an additional duty had devolved upon the gendarmes, in consequence of one of their companions being on duty with him, he (the general) would be glad if Sir Jahleel would make them a present; he requested time to consider it, and soon after returned, armed with a golden "douceur;" when he told the general, that as he had travelled officially, at the expense of his own government, he must request a receipt as a voucher for this portion of his account. The general eyed him with a most satanic grin, and replied, that in consideration of the kindness he had shown to his attendant gendarme, he would not allow him to receive any thing.

I do not intend to sully these pages with a recital of the separate atrocities of these Verdun worthies: I shall briefly