Page:Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flanders between the years 1803 and 1809.djvu/72

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town, except those, who from their rank, were entitled to it. He also now punished most offences, with banishment to Bitche, or other depôts; although it would at first sight appear, that he was thereby depriving himself of new subjects, upon whom he could more easily practice his "escroqueries," yet the return to head-quarters always furnished an excuse for exacting fifty crowns, under pretence of defraying the expenses of escort. Things were going on in this manner, when a circumstance occurred, which gave a turn to our destiny, and eventually caused our removal from this scene of dissipation, extortion, roguery, and vice. In July, 1808, three midshipmen, (I blush to state it,) were taken in the very act of violating parole: this afforded Wirion an opportunity of representing the whole class, to the minister of war, as contumacious and refractory. He further assured his Excellency, that nothing but extreme rigour and close confinement, could insure the persons of these "tres mauvais sujets," and that Verdun was inadequate to their security. To the