Page:Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flanders between the years 1803 and 1809.djvu/80

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vigilance of the guard, seemed to render escape totally impracticable. On reaching Meziers, about eight P. M., we were received at the gates by a strong reinforcement of foot soldiers, and but for the precaution of forming double files on each side, might have had an opportunity of mingling with the mob assembled in the streets. They however lodged us safely in the prison, and when secured by bars and bolts, the jailor informed us the morrow would be a "jour de repos:" nothing could be done that night; some, in consideration of a "douceur," were permitted to occupy the jailor's private apartment. In the morning, we had the range of the prison, and discovered that the only way by which we could possibly escape, was by scaling the wall of the yard, which was about twenty feet in height; this however could not be done without a ladder, a grapnel and line, or the assistance of three or four to stand against the wall upon each other's shoulders. Moyses and myself, were, nevertheless determined to run any risk,