Page:Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flanders between the years 1803 and 1809.djvu/83

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  • sion, being mustered in the waggons, departed;

and I was separated from my friend. The party for Valenciennes soon after followed, with a reduced escort, who observed the usual precautions. Being now left to my own reflections,—without plunging headlong into extremes, I resolved, should a favourable opportunity offer, upon following up the former plan—jumping out of the the the waggon, and bolting into a wood; but the unabated vigilance of the guard rendered it impossible. In the evening we arrived at Hirson, and the following day at Avesnes. Here I was permitted to go to the military hospital, under an escort, to visit some English seamen, who had been wounded in endeavouring to escape from Arras, and gave them a subscription raised amongst ourselves. This day, the guard being relieved, we were entrusted to the care of a "Marèchal de logis," who, entertaining the most liberal opinions of the character of British officers, immediately placed us on parole, and took us to an inn, where we slept. In the morning he selected eight, of whom I was