Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/135

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and te? ? ? a s?; ?ieh, ? ?e ?r, h of ?s; ? n?r i? e?? '?ve bush, w? w? s?n ?d set f? ?!?nd ?'s' s?mm?. The next mo?ng, at dgylight, we ?d ? no? extremity ? the ?d, wh?h w? ? Cape Cwker, in ?mpHm? ? ?? of ? Admi?ty; ?d '? '?e no? side d 'a bight w?d ?e '?pe, whi? w? sub?uently ? Po!m ?y. ?l ? b? ?h?d ?e ?, ob? a of ?e ?ast d ?e bay: a .di?t w? ?i?, ?, ?m its ?usu? elevation, ? Point, ?? ?r ?ew W ?e sou?: but w ?e S.W. ?e ?h? of ?nd were in?s?fiy '?sible. ? of ?tives ?m ?en in m?y ? m?ks ?' f?eps on ?e ? had .b?n ? r?y impms?. ? ?e b? a ci?]? ? ? gw?d, ? fi? ya?s in dimeter, w? c? away, ?d h? ve? lately b?n by a t?be ? natives. ?e i?d is ?i?y w? wi? a d?d sp?i? of s?t?, but ?re md ?ere ?e ? ?nlm and ?? ?ew h ?s, ?d with ?e ?, ? ? ?e?i? mon?no? app? ?.. ?e ?il, ?o?h it w? shallow ? ?r, was ? ? ?,