Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/235

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quarters of a mile lower down, we landed on the Ism9. north bank, on Rawdon Island, on the edge of the May ?. swamp seen near our tent in the Loudon Branch. We also landed at Black-man Point, and had an interview with twenty-five natives; amon?t whom we recognised several that had visited us at the anchorage, and who appearS. delighted and happy at meeting us again: after spending half an hour with them we re-embarked, and ar- rived on board by sunset. Between this and the 20th our time was busily spent in laying down and making further obser- vations upon the soundings of ?he port and bar. And on the 21st, at highwater, having completed 2?. our object, we lei? the harbour; in steering over the bar found eleven feet water at about thirty- five yards from the' sunken rocks. The Lady Nelson, in following, kept more over towards the ?orth side of the channel and, ?ing near the edge of the' sand rollers, had but nine feet. On reaching the offing Lieutenant Oxle? em- barked'in the Lady Nelson, to return to Port Jackson, and soon afterwards the two vessels parted company. In consequence of the report made by Lieute- nant Oxley to the Governor, upon the result of the expedition, an establisl?nent has been since