Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/356

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?4' 8UR?E� 01 ? THE INTERTROPICAL p?d by ? ve? ex?nsive ?ew o? the ls?d,-,and S?pea? ? w?. se? ? ?e ?si?on ? View ?. ?e sou? e? of Adapbus Ismrid, o? w? i had a ?? ?iew, is a low, ?t s?t* swap, su?ound? by ?ove bushy. To �e ?uth-eastwa? of Sh?p?re ?, but q? de? ?om it, is a r?e of hill? ex?- i? in ?nn? pa?hes ?w? Mo?t ?n- ne?om ?e prindp? s? ? ?e ?, whi& ? ?e w?t ?,' ?s ?der the b?e ? View ?; ? ?d a ?f miles ? on, it o?m ? ? examire b?, at ?e ? of some high ?d; he? ?e b? is ?nt? i? si?, ?d ?nds ? ? westwa? m? a gro?e ?int, wh?e it w? lost ? view. Mr. ?in? h? ?m ?& an exc?ion ?n A?phus Ishnd; he ?d w?)k? ov? ?t-sw?p ?w?s ?e ?, which, f? ?s d? ?fiption, ? p?e?y of ?e same ?r View Hi?; ?e r?k fo?a?on is princip?y ?d-s?ne, bl? of whi? (?e ?gest not ex. ? three f?t in. ?e?r) ?e pro?ly ?md over ?e ?dy 'soil, ?d are somet? found myerS. wi? a c?t of qua: bu? n?- ?S? ?e a?ty ?d app?t b?mn- hess of ?e sofl? 'many pl? were