Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/389

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COAST8 OF AUeTRAt?A. ?7 island, to watch for turtle., but it returned without Oc?. ? having seen any. During the night, the wind blew a moderate breeze from S.W., with dark cloud. y weather. At daylight we weighed. but ?6. from light .ba?ing winds. it was some time be- fore we cleared the islands. The tide, however, l swept'us out, and dr/Red us half a mile to wind- ward of a small peaked island which must be the Pa?:al'Island of the French: ? islet is of ? size, but remarkable for its conical shape, and having, as it were, its apex cut ot? It is ?rounded by a rocky shoal of small extent. The wind had now veered to W.N.W., and oblig? our pa?ing to the e?tward of Ca?ini Island (of Cal?ain_ Baudin); and, from the im- mense numbers of turtle-tracks that were seen up- on its beach, we would gladly have anchored near it, had a convenient place offered; but the bottom was ?o deep, that we could not with safety drop our anchor; The plan given by M. de Freycinet of this archipelago is so defective, that many of hia islands Wuld not be rewgrdsed; but those which were made out preserve his munos. Cas- e/hi J=!,,,? is su/?iently well plac? by him, a?d was an useful point for the sake of com- Iming our lougitude?. In the space between Bougvillz mi �ol/re, which