Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/450

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3? SURVEY OF TI.? INTI?.I.?rRoPI?AL CHAPTER X. , CRoss the Gul of C?rpentarls, mid. anchor at Goulbum's South Island :?A?air- with the nstives.,--Resume the survey of the coast at Cmmini Island..--Survey ? Monta?u Sound, York Sound, and Prince Frederic'8 Harbour:--Huuter'8 and Rivers, Port Nelson, Coronation I81and8 .'--Transactions at Ca-' reenlng Bay:--Repair the cutter'8. bstto,n:--.General ticai and-botanical observations.---Natives' huts.----Brunswick Bay.---Prince Regent'8 'River:--Leave the coast in a leaky. state .----Tryai Rocks, Cioates Islaud:--Pass round the west and south coasts :--Bass Strait.---Escape frmn shipwreck :?Botany lhy.?-Arrival at Port Jachon. ?sso. �V*E did Jot leave our Booby Island Au?. 1?. until the next morning, in order that we might obtain sights for the watches, and have the ad- vantage of claylight for passing over the position assigned to a sisal, said to have been seen by the ship Aurora. After weighing, we steered W.S.W. for sixty miles without seeing any signs of it; anct on this course our soundings very gradually increased to thirty .fathoms. is--10. On our passage across the Gutf of Car?ntaria we had very free weather, but the horizon was ' enveloped in haze. The S.E. monsoon was steady but very light; and the wind during the day veered occasionally to N.E., which might here be called a sea-breeze.