Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/475

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o� a bird- of similar size and-plumage..' Om the return, of the boat two. alligators swath past it. After completing our water we l?ft' the- river; but? Owing to light winds, did. not suc-- ' ceed in getting out of the harbour until the' fol- lowing morning. Its examination had been.per- formed as narrowly as time and cimumstsnces admitted: it is of considerable size, and in- most parts offers good and secure anchorage; with. abundance of wood for fuel and, perhaps, always water of good quality. Its western side was very indistinctly seen; and it was'thought probable from appearances, that, in the space be- tween Cape Pond and Anderdon Islands, there �are perhaps two or three small mountain streams. The harbour was called Prince Fredericls, and the sound, that fronts it, York Sound, in honour of his Royal Highness the Duke. of York. After passing Point. Hardy,* we entered a fine ?o. harbour bounded on. the west by a group, of islands,. and on the east. by the projection of !and that. forms the western side of Prince Fre- deric's, Harbour. The flood-tide was not suf- ficient to carry us to the bottom, so, that we anchored off the east end of the southernmost island of the group; which, on, the. occasion.of