Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/18

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VOYAGES FOR THE SURVEY OF THB INTERTROPICAL COASTS o1? AUSTRALIA. CHAPTER I. So?vBY upon the Mermaid:--Purchse another veml,,--New establishment:--Deperture on the fourth voyage, accompanied ? �?t-dllp bound through Torres Stralt:--Diocovery o? an miditim to the crewr--Pm round Breakse? Spit*.and steer up the east cout :--Transactions at Percy Island moos sting-uys:--Pine*trees serviceable for masts .?Joined by mere]rant brig :--Anchor under Cape GrotOn, Hope Islands, and Lizard Itllnd.?--Natives at Lizard lsland.'--(?pe l?inders:-- V'mit the Frederick's wreck:--Surprlsed by natives:4Mr. ?un* iihi?mm's description of the drawings of ? the natives in a cavern ou Cinck*s lsland:--Anchor in Margaret lhy, &ml under Cairn- crms Island.?Accident* and loss of anchors:--Pam throagh Torres Strait, and visit Ooulbum Iiland.?-Affair with the AS soon as an opportunity offered al?er our 18so. arrival, the cutter was laid on shore upon the D?s. beach o? Sydney Cove, and surveyed by the master and the carpenter of H. M. Store. Ship Dromedary, which ship was preparing for her return to England with a cargo of New ?,ea]and �OL. IL B