Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/195

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?a?a the Namraliste, and is thus noticed by M.. de ?. la Freycinet, in his aocount of the voyage. "Entre los parall?tes de ?o et 280 2if, la terre est tr?s haute; on y remarque deux montagnes bien re- counoisab.' les par!eur forme qui approeJ? de celle de ? C?a?, sur la cSte de S?i?t-Do?, ou de la Montag? &/a ?aH? au Cap de Esp?rauce; une aut/e ressemble un peu au Pouch, de l'!ie?ie-Fmuce. La terre est vxide, bord? de fa!?ises rouge?res; on y voit pe u de ?mtmrative?nent aux tetres pkls .au sudS." We sought in vain f?r the resemblam? to the Pou?, but as all the hills were fiat-topped, of conme they were similar to the Table Land of the Cape of Good Hope, but probably inferior to it in point of height. This ran?e I c?lled after Capt?n Momsby, R.N., C.B., in grateful reeognition of the prompt assistance rendered by Mm to the wants and re- pairs of our vessel, during her late visit to Maw rigus. The summit in the eentre was called Mount Fairfax; the group of hi!i? at tl? north end were named Melmi Hills, and the three at the south eva of the range were dist?shed by the name of Wizard Hills; Mount Fairfax is in latitude 28 � 20", longitude ll4 �he ah?re in front of these hills is sandy, and

  • Ds Fa??cINaT, p. 16L

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