Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/229

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SURVEY OP ? INFERTROPICAL and level, an? similar tO the character of the coast to the southward of Cape Lev?que. At i?unset, when the haze cleared off and the ap- pearance of the land gradually'sank below' the horizon, we were instantly relieved from the op- pressive heat we had experienced during the day, for the thermometer had indicateda temper- ature of 91�d, when exposed to the influence of the sun, rose to 190 degrees. Three natives' were noticed as we passect ?1ong the shore; they were walking upon a sandy beach abreast of us, bui very soorr disappeared among the trees and bushes, which here grow close* down to the water-side; they were armed with spears, and appeared to be watching our movements; for they moved along in the direction of our course, and did not af- terwards make' their appearance during the evening. The next morning, whilst the ebb-tide -lasted we had a light breeze, but, at noon, as the wea- ther was calm and the brig could not be got un- der weigh, either with safety or utility, the boats were despatched in different directions to improve our knowledge of the place. , At low-water a considerable sand-bank was exposed to our view, that had not' previously been seen; it fronts the bay, and is dry at low