Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/235

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? ?e b? oblig? ? ? ?s lnt under way ? Gyver ?y, or b? �is eve? by ?e ebb-?, we ?d have ve? d?gemusly plY, ? ?i? s?? bY is? ?d bl? by ?e d?ess ?ht. ? ? ?u? ? ?e b?eter ? no way a?ed, but ?e ?m?r fell two d?, havi? st? ? ?e a?m?n at 89? �?ng ?e ?er of ?s ?t ? s? o? ?d on, ?d ?pe?enc? a c?nt the dir?on of N. 5? W., one ?e ?.h?r. At eight o'cl? ?e ? mo? (18?) Ad?e tsl? was ?n; ?d ? ?e ?m? we p? at a,m?e ?d a h?f f? ?e wes? side of the reef which sure.ds it. This is? is low and ?dy, a? ?ver? ? ? buses; it is a?ut two or ?r? ?es in len?; a d? sand extends for fiv? miles ?m its ? e?, ?d as f? as one mile ?om i? no?-wmt ?i?; but ?e ?ver? pa? of ?e reef is ?re tensire, ?d app? r?y. ? ? ?s? of ?r? ?es ?d ? h?, in a no.:west ?on ?om i? no? ?d, ? two ? s?d. b?s, which are pmbabty ?ver? at ?gh-wa? ?r. Light-?ou? water 'ex? ?les ? the westward, ? for ?u?en to the. no..west; -but ? w?er h pm?bly ? ?h ov ? it ? ny wu?.