Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/241

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? ?tvg? o1? Ti? INTgifflU?IC?L ?s?. was found necessary to make a considerable re- ?-. ? duction in the allowance. Xpal la On the 13th of April, the north-west end c? Vail Diemen's Land came in sight, ?)ut it was not until the 15th that we entered Bass' Strait by the passage between Xing's and Hunter's Islands. Off Cape Howe we boarded a trading brig belonging to Port Jackson bound to Van Diemen's l. amd, from which we obtained pleasing and satisfactory news of our friends at Sydney, as also the gratifying intelligence of the promo- t?n of myself to the rank of commander, and of Messrs. Bedwell and Roe to that of lieuten?n_t? The promotion of the latter gentleman was under circumstances of the most flattering nature, and hero'not only offera a most satisfactory proof of the approbation bestowed .by tim Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty upon my zealous ass.istant, but precludes mo from tim otherwiso pleasing task of giving my humblo testimon?n! of his conduct and merits. Between Cape Howe and Port Sackson experienced much bad weather, which delayed �.- our arrival so long, that we had expended all our. bread, and wero reduced to ? vory small proportion of water: we, however, succeeded m effocting our arrival at Sydney by tho g?t!?