Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/262

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COAgr? OF AUSTRALIA.-. 237 being discovered near it, ,the ships were re. moved thither on the P,d of October, and parties landed to eemmence immediate operatioi2s With the axe and saw. The projection of hnd fixed upon for the site of a town, .was named after the ?omr?m. dant (Cap.tain Barlow). The cove, in which the ships were at anchor, w?s named King's Co?e by Captain Bremer, after yourself, as the odg/nal discoverer .of the strait; and that part ,.of. Apsley Stra/t, between Luxmoore Head and Harris' Is]and*, received the r?me of Pot/ Cockbum, in honour of Vice Admiral Sir Georg e Cockbum, G.C.B., one of the Lords of the Ad.- miralty. "All disposable hands being employed on -shore/n clear/ng Point Barlow of wood and other impediments, we were speedily enabled to com- mence the .erection of a fort, seventy.five yards in length ! by fifty Wide; to be built of the trunks of the felled tr?,?,, and to be surrounded by a ditch ten feet wide and deep. On the memorable "21st of October, our quarter-deck guns were landed. and mounted, the colours were hoisted

  • Har? Island wa? named by ?ne after ?ny friend John Harrh,

F?., for?r]y surgeon of the 10?l Regiment, who has ?erved ?o long and ?o faithfully-in various oflce? under the government of New South Wales. ,'