Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/303

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L H?re the number of the coral reefs begin to increase, uhd Hect. ll; attention must be paid in navigtting amongst them ? N. East but, with a.carehl look out from the mast head, ?d � C?mst. quick leadsman in the chains, no danger need be appre- hended. Between reef a and the shoal off the south-west Holm Island there is a passage two miles wide, with twelve fathoms: ?. is about half a mile in diameter, with a f?w rocks above water; its centre is in 15 � i9`', two toilet from the shore, and three miles N. 55 �from the. south. west Hope. b is about a mile and a quarter len?, and has a dry rock at its north end, the latitude of which is 15 � 2?: .it is' divided from ?.ndeavour Reef by a channel of nearly a mile wide, and flf?een fathoms deep: abreast of the south.cod o? b,4m the western ed�f Endearour Reef, there is a dr? rock, in latitude 15 � 55". ENDEAVOUR REEF is nine miles long.; it lies in a N.W. direction; the north end, in 1.5 ? 39' S., bears dua from the Narth.east Hope.. C is covered, and not quite half a mile in length; its tude is 15? 32': it lies four miles from the shore. d is rather larger, and has some dry rocks on its nortit end, in latitude !5 � 30". Between c and d'and shore the passage is from three to four miles wide, and in. , midichannel the depth is seven and eight fathoms. -. 0?' th? south. sid? Qf Point. Monkhouse there i? a bey. having a small opening at the.bottom, but not deep ,no?gk fgr s.?ps: it was this bay that Captain Cook ?irs.t e?tmin, ed h search of u'place to repair his ship. On 8te?rin?. alon? the shore between Point Monkhouse and the entrance? o� Endeavou. r River, the bottom is of