Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/311

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a. dJl the blends are low ttnd m?ted, ml surrounded by d be,. fi. coral reef of mall extent, N. Eaf? 4. has u small islet off its west end. 5. 8. and 9. did not appear to have any reefs projecting from them. 7. is probably two islands, with a reef ex- tending for half a mi!? on its westerix side. 6 is of hrget size than the genendity of the low islands hereabout, No. i. ?xeepted: its centre is tn latitude 14 �, and longitude 144 �.' The position of' No. 10. was not correctly racer. The l?ak of* (?APE BOWEN is in httltude 14 �, and longitude 144 � 40". �NOBLE ISLAND is a reek, having a' sandy, or a eoral beach at its north-west end; although small it is very conspieuou?; and, when first s?en from the southward, has the appearance of a rock with a double rounded top. The RzsFs S, t, and tt are unconnected; the ninth end of s, lying six miles and a half due east from Point BarrOw, wits dry for a considerable extent; t, one mile to the north, was covered; but there is a dry sandy key on U, bearing from Point Barrow, N. 32 � six miles: some recks shewed them- selves above the water off its south end. V and W may POssibly be connected; the former was noticod to extend for three mile?, and the letter for nearly ten miles; there was, however, a space of three miles be= tween them, where a channel may possibly exist. The ehennels between t and U, and between.y and W, appeared to be clear and ?!eep. The EBBes X, y,' ?nd Z, are probably parts of the barrier'