Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/315

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?10 .APPENDIX. A. ] 823, end found it to be under the.following bea_4ngs (by Sect. II. compass): v/z, Cape Flinders, S.W.b.W.?W.; the high N. East peak on the south-east. part of Fiinders's Group, $. ? W.; Coast. the highest of Clack's Islands, N.W.?W.? and Cape Melville, E. ?r S. It is a dangerous shoal in running for Cape Flin- ders, but may be easily av. oided by steering near the low wooded island, to the north-east of the cape, or by keeping the shore of Flinders's Group on board, which is perhaps preferable. The variation is 5 � East*." PRINCESS CHARLOTTE'S BAY is an extensive bight ip the coast, twenty-two miles deep, end thirty?one broad; its shores are low, and at the bottom, in latitude 14 �, there is a mangrove opening. JANE'8 TABLE LAND, in.latitude 14 � 15', and'lon- gitude 144 �45", is a remarkable fiat. topped hill at the �bottom of the bay, rising abruptly from the surrounding low lend: it is about five miles from the coast; its summit, by the angle it subtended, is about a mile in length. Excepting this hill, no other high land was seen at the bottom of the bay. On the w?tern side the land rises to a moderate height, �and forms a bank of about ten miles in extent, but thi? was not visible for more than three or four leagues. To the north of this no part of the interior can be seen until in latitude 13 �, when the south end of a ridge.of hills com- mences at about seven miles behind the beach, which it gradually approaches until it reaches the coast in 13 �, �The shoal is in a line with, and half w?y between, the fish topped bill on the north island of Fiinders's Group, and the centre ef the low wooded island, and is nearly joined to some shoal.w?ter that extends for two miles from the latter islend.--Roe MS.