Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/337

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312 .- APPENdiX. ' A. ?pri?g?, vessels drawing.te? or ?even f?t may ? ' ?' ?' ?e ?. ?. ?t. The's? ?ns ? a ve? ?uous c? for up--ds of lofty rail&, but ? our examinchon ? una?ist? by ?- in? or obse?afions, i? is l?d down f?m ? eye skeW. POINT BRAIT?AI? in latitude 11 �?0", ?d !o?mde 133 � ?0', is twen? miles ? ?e w?tward of Ha?-m?d Is?t; to ? ?u?wa? of it is Junction Bay, which wu not ex?hed. For ?e next ?irty miles ?e co?t is ve? much indent, ?d hu some deep ba? on eider side of Point B?clay, ?so one ? ?e eutw?d of Point Turner, at ?e ?t?m of w?ch ? o?i?, a mile in wide, is probably a river. H? also.the feature of the co?t is ?red, being low ud level ? ?e east?rd u f? ? Point D?e, without a hill or ?ng ground in ?e in,riot ?.reli?e its monotonous ?a?..At this place, however, a ?n? of ?ky h?!s, WgLLXMOTON EASOg, CO?, of ?OUt twenty miles in extmt: '?ve m?es ?hind it is ?e Tor, (latitude. I1 � ud 1one,de 133 � 2? a soli? p?id? r?k; ud ?v? miles and a qua?r W.b.S. from ?e lat? is a .?- ?p? hill. ?e two lau? ?e apparen?y un?nn? wi? the ra? on which thee ?e four remarkable fid?s, of which .the two westmost ?e ?e most rem?kable. . GOULB?N IS?NDS consist of two isl?ds, e?h ?ng a?ut menty miles in ?umfer?ce; ?ey ?e se?* rated from e? o?er by a ?ky s?t ?ree miles w?e, whi? h mmt.p?ts is deep enough for a s?p of ?y sin to pass throug?; ?e la?tude of ?e cenUe of ?is is 11? 32?. Macqu? Su? se?es ?e sou?t