Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/358

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8AILING DIItEC'?IONS. across .being ?bont b?lf a mile. In on?rlng ?o b? by A. th? ?a?ei, s?er so ? ? ? ro?d Middle R?k, ?d 8?IV.' ?n b6?K ?e ?ed ?ummi? of'Jar I?l?, at ?t. ?t? of ?e ?rt, ?tw? it ?d ?ng ?ks, S. 2? � steer di?fiy for Jar lsl? uh?l you ? ?t of Middle ?k, when you may haul close m?d fou?n and sixth fa?oms: wh? you have ?sed the ? ?ks, a co? may be dir? ? pleura in? ?e by. ?em is also a d?p p?a? ? ?e westw?d of ?ddle Rock; but it is ? na?w'M ? safe. ?e fide ? though ?e ch?nels wi? ?eat s?en?; wi? the fi?*tide ?ere' is no dan?r, ? '?e s? will c? a v?sel ?rou? ?e dee?t pa?; ?th ?e ebbfide, however, it should not ? ?e w?m entice to Va?it?rt Bay is 5etw?n ?e l?d o? C?ex Bovo?x?v?LLx ?d the ?iipse Is!?ds: it �?e miles ?d a half wide, ?d quite f?e from dan?r. ?e app?ch ? it, ?tween Tao?oe?w lSLASD (laSturic 13 �10', longitude 12? 11? ?d ?e ?fs in is six miles wide, ?d probably qui? s?e. ?e did not as?dalu ?e exis? of a ch?nel on ?e e?t side of the island, but' it appeared to be f?e f?m d?ger, and, if so, would ? ?e ?st app?h. ECLl?Sx HILL, ?in? hiker �? ?e l?d near it, and conspicuous f?m J? fiat ?bular sha?, is a ? mark for ?e ?; it is in laL ?d longitude lg? 18' 40". VansitMtt Day is eigh?en miles deep, ?d from five to ten br?d; it o?ers excellent ?o?. The e?m sho? is ?, ?d should not ? approached nearer ? a mile; but ?e wes?rn shore is steep ?, ?d may ? pass? ve? c]o?: on this side ?e ? ?ere are ?y ?ves ?ys fit for ?y pu?os?. The most s?u? ?ot? is in