Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/432

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1on?tude of ?he rock 133 � 58" E. On our last A. voyage the mean of the Bathurst'? and Dick's watches Sect. IX. made it 133 � 40 ?, which was finally adapted, since it accorded better with the chro?metrical dilTerence between its meridian and that of Cas;,16i Island. I have never been al?.? to af,?o?nt fqr ?iS ?.?traord?nSry di?greem?nt batten the re?]? of thin hm? ?itt?swes an? the. mhmnometm?, since the former w?!m' takmn wi? ?e san o? ? ml?s of ?e m?n, ?d seemed to ? ve? ?. - ' CAREENING BAY. ?is place was Hxed by a se?es (?e Ap? A., in a note, p. 340.) . KING G?RGS THE THIRD's 8OUN? ?e 1o?itu? of ? pl? w? adap? from the ?servatbns ?d surv? The ?t on ? east sham ? ?e enhance H?bour. ?de 35 �17', and l?kud, 11?9 56' 2?'. H? (?m ?mt ?y bay round the h?d) CO?ANG, in ?a l?and ? ?or. T? ?s?of Feat COM?anxA, w?a ?r ?o?e?