Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/44

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'" Many turtles' heads were pl?eed cn tin shel? or ni? of the excavation, amply demon. attarire o� the luxurious and profuse mode otlife these outcasts of society had, at a period rathat recently, followed. The roof and sides of this snug retreat were also entirely covered with tho um:outh figures I have already described. "As this is ?e first specimen c? Australiau taste in the fine arts that we have detected in these voyages, it became me to make a parti- o. dar observation thereon: Captain Flinders had discovered figures on Chasm Island, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, formed with a burnt stick; b?t this performance, exceeding a hundred and fifty figures, which must have occupied much time, appears at least to be one step nearer.refine. merit than those simply executed with a piece of charred wood. Immediately above this schistose stratum is a superincumbent mass of sand-stono, which appeared to form the upper stratum of the island." (Cunn/ng?m ?/$.) * Having procured all the spars and planks from tim wreck that could be useful to us, we mad? preparations to sail, and at daylight, the got underweigh with my two companions, and �Similar representations w?'e found by Mr. White, carved on stoue in the neighbourhood of Port Jackson.--Wmrs's Journal, 4to. p. 141. Digitized by Goo,?le