Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/502

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MOLL?8(?&.] NATURAL HISTORY. 477. 15. PscTosevLo8 nADIANS ? ?m. H?st. vi, ? ' ' Icon. G?n. ?. ?1. t. 55. f. ?. En?. M3h, pl. ?. f.l.?b. '" ? Mr?w ?o?v?, ?m.. H?L'.vi. pt. L 1?. ? ?h?l ? de?H? by L? ?om ?me NeW Holland ?c?e? ?zt were prob?ly coHe? by P?on in B?u&n's voy?e. It is re?rkzble for being very thick and ?d, and fi? ?k colo?, wi? only ? ?w w?te band on ?e ?teri,? b? ?. The ?ge'? erenz?d, ?d the mu?ul? imp?a?ions a? very ?sti?t, and raised a?ve the su?ace, p?icularly ?t on �e ?or v?ve, w?ch is both ?11ucld'and tu?ular. 18. MOOIOLA (TuLI?A ?) AUSTRAI.IS, M?iola t?ip? vat. 1. Lam. Hist. vi. pt. i. 111. ?s Australian species will msst probably prove to be &stlnct the American kind; but the specimen beFo? me d?s not affo? sufficient ma?ri?s ? separate it, since there is only one wa?r- wo? val?e in the coll?tlon. It is not so distinctly rayed ?1. t?ipa, and the inside is en?ly of a brillhnt ?arly purpb,' ex? ne? the anchor basal edge. 19. LITHOPHAOU? gAUDATUS, ?0?. M?ola caudige? ?am. Hist. ?i. pt. i. 116. Icou. Encl. M?t/?. pl. ?l. f. 8. a, b. ?. MSLaAOmN? ?mDA, oar. a. La,n. Hist. vi. pt. i. 15?. TI6s appea? to be a distinct s?cies from those found iu the Gulf of Mexico and the West Indies, b,?t fi?e difference is not easy to d?cribe. The specimens before me, which are small, differ mate- ri?y from some or' the same size among the American species. The ou? is of a dull g?enish-purple colo?, ?th a few dis?nt ' memb?c?us lami? which a? only 6?ghtly 1o? and not ex- ? into long pr?e?es ii? tho? of ?vic?a mdia? (Zod. M?e. 1. t. ?.) which is ?e y?ug of the Am?kan k?d. The inte? ?arly coat h? a bright yelto? tinge.