Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/510

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�WIOLLUSCA.] NATURAL HISTORY. ?8. CLAVATULA ST?AT? (n. 8.) t?cato-?a? t?t? d i?pfe c?, anf?- tu? ?r?n? ?ore anco t?d?o. ca?d? ?0?, ? 8he? ova? tu? whi?sh-bro?, with eleven ? twdve 1on?tu- ? in?p? ribs foxing long ?u?les ou ?he cen? of ?e who, s; the whorls with ?s?nt impr?ed spir? lin? near t? su- ture, with a ra?her ?ttened slightly n? ?d; the mou? ?r mo? ? one-t? t? len?h of the ?; ou?r in,de, g?ved; ? ?o? ?th a ?ne? dep?on on i? mella s?e; ? ?n-m?, ?r fo?-?e?t? of? i?h. A worn s?e? ap?ntly a vafieV of ?s s?s. It is en- tirely smith, polish? and h? the ?t whorl ne? t? s? sligh?y c?ve, edg? wi?h a ?a?ely ?d ?ther n?ul? llne, ?e Hp is v?y ?ck, ?v? on its ?ner ?ge, and the c? ?t?y p16t?. E may perha? p?vs ? ba a new Hnd; but ? sp?i? of genus ? so ex?ngly ? ? ?ry, t?t I do not ?h ? i?r? the numar of t? ?r?y ? m?h ?xtended ? of La? o?en. 6? C?s?s ?a?a? ?. HOt. ?. ?. ?u?inum ?ammeum, ?in. 8?. Nat. ll?. ?. ? Icon. ?t?. t. I?. L 69. e? ? 1? L ? Mahdi ?. t.?.f. ? ? ?1. Do?v? va?saa?, ? HOt. ?. ?1. 62. PVRPURA H?MASTOMA, ? Hist. Bucclnum ?m?t? ? ?yst. ?. l?g. ?. 3? , Icon. Li?. t. ?. f. ?. Ma?ni C?,?i, t, 101. f.