Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/548

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Bow, Nv.] NATURAL HI?I?OP.Y. and ? ?m?l,? ?rese?ing no?ing r?kab? in in. real structure, or exam? habi? a few rem?ks on a g?ue? comp?son ? ?e. vege?fion of ?e Nora-west C?s? with ?e o?er shores of Terra Aus?is,.will cm- ?ude ?is notice. It is ve? necess?y to premise, ?t ?e pl?u ob?rved ?d ?11?ad u?n ?e Nora-west ? during the !ate voy?s, ?e not ? be conside? ? even a dis?t a? pro?h ? an ?fire Flora of that ex?nsive line of shore since the long-estab?hed drough? of ?e se?ons, ?r?dy mm?ked,) ? which the ?r p?t of ?at coast was ?si?, ?d wholly destroyed pl?ts of annu? dura- ?on, ? mos? of ?e G?uee, and had indeed gener?ly ?d ?e mass of its herbacius ve?tiou. The ?fions, therefore, c? simply be viewed ? a gleanlug, ?or?ng such gen? outli?es of ch?c?s?c fe?ure, as 'will enable ?e bo?ist to trace its ?nity to ?e more minu?ly defined vege?on of ?e o?er equin?fi? shores of ?e cont?ent, ? well as perceive its goneml, and, in some i?es? ?most ? want of rela?on ? the bot?y of other p?, in ?e more ?mpem? or higher latitudes, where ? stri?ng ?cui?fies of ?e Australi? Flora more particily ?is? Upon �gener? ?mparison of ?ose collec?ns ?at were �us formed on ?e North-w?t Co?t, with ?he plau?s of No? and ?t Coast, aided ?so by some few observafious m?e ?uring ?e voy?, it appe?s that (with the exc?ti0n of Gompholobium, Boronis, Kennedia, and one or two ?- publi?ed species not refe? ? ?y family) the ?a (of which several are proof to Iu?a) are the same, ?e s?cies are ve? dis?nct upon the several co?ts. Notwi?s?&ug an id?ty of ?uera h? ?n remarke? npou ?e? opposi? shor? thee ares neve?heless, certain