Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/56

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C?AST8 O1? AUSTRALIA. 39 Pro, os from Cape Van Diemen to Car?o.? Bay.?-Not hdlnr w?ter, visit Prince R?gent's lt?ver, and procure it from the ?ade?Farther enminatioa of the dver:?Amphibiou8 mud* ?sh:--A?hor Jn H?lf-way by, na ?zplore Munster and Hanover Bay in & bo?t :--Visit Hanover Bay, and procure water and bh..?-Interviev with natives .?-The surgeon speared: ?Retaliate upon them, and capture their rafts and weapons.'-- Description of their implements:--Port George the Fourth.?. Idaads to the westward:?Red Island .of Captain Heywood:-. Strong tides:--Camden Bay :--Buccaneer's Archipelago net Bay ::-Dangerous situation of the br|? .?-Hlgh and rapid tides .?-Cspe Lev6que:--Enmbmtlon of the carat to CApe touche Treville:?Jt,*?mM'kable effect of m?ragm .'-- Leave the coast for Mauritius:?Voyage thither :?Arrlval at Port Louls.?- M.-*8oam m?ount of the hisrid. OuR oourse was held to the south-west towards 18?l. Cape Londonderry; on which, with a fresh S.E. jay'--?. wind, we proceeded with rapidity. On the morning of the l'2th, Eclipse Hill and ?. Sir Graham Moore's Islands were seen, and in ' the afternoon we passed Troughton Island; at sunset, Po/nt Hillock bore South thirteen miles, whence we steered to the W.N.W. and N.W., .tud round? the north end of the long' red, .. to the westwazd of Cal? Bougainvilk. '.