Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/630

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GsozooT.] NATURAL Hi,TORY. double the distance between the Baltie' and the Mediterra- nean.roll, however, future researches should confirm the indications above mentioned, a new'ease will be supplied in support of the principle long since advanced by Mr. Miehell *, which appears (whatever theory be formed to ex- plain it,) to be established by geological observation in so many other parts of the world,Mthat the outcrop of the in- clined beds, throughout the stratified portion of the globe, is every where parallel to the longer ridges of mountains,-- towards which, also, the elevation of the strata is directed. But in the present sta?e of our information respecting stralia, all such general views are so very little more than mere conjecture, that the desire to furnish ground for new inquiry, is, perhaps, the best excuse that can be offered for having proposed them.

  • On the Cause of Earthquakes.--Philosophica?

l?'OO. vol. IL p. ?a0---58,%