Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/633

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� APPENDIX. [C. R?P?LS? ISL.?I?D, in Repulse Bay, about one hund? twenty mil? no?-west of the Percy is[?ds.?lnd?inct s?me?, app?en?y c?sls?ng of d?om? ?t f?. A compound of quay, mica, ?d leisy, having �e ap? of re-combed ?nite. CAr? CL?ND, a?ut one hundred ?d twenty mii? no?h of Repulse lsl?d.?Yellowish-?y 9r?e, with bwwn mica;" from ?e summit of the hill." E?dish ?te, of ve? fine grain; with ?e as?ct of sand-stone. ?rk ?y ?h? h?mt?, appr?ching W comet leisy, ? im?d? c?s?s of felsp?. C?g Oa?g?, about one hundr? and eighty miles west of no? from Ca? Cleveland.--Cl?e ?ined ?ey and yellowish-?ey granite, with bro? ?. A reddish ?i? stone, compos? of quay, felsp?, and tourm?i?. gsog?voua Rx?a, a?ut one huad? miles w?t of no? from Cape G?n.--Grey ?a? of ?ve? vafiefi?; from a ?akM hill under Mount ?k ?d iU vicini?. nu!? ?rtz-?k of se? v?efi?: ?d indistinct mens of a ?k appro?hing m t?s?. d?vour River.?y 9?e, consisting of bm? white mi?, qua, and a ?ge pro?nion of ?!? ? what decorum. ?ox ls?o, near Ca? ?inde?, on ?e noRh-w?t of Ca? Melville, a?t ?nety miles nor&-w?t of ? lsl?.?Smoke-?y micac?us ?t?-?, much l?e ?r- ?n ?ds of the old red s?d-stone, where it ?ua?g in? ?ey wacke. This s?cimea w? token from ? ho?n? ? ?ut ?n f?t in ?ickaess, re?sing u? a m?a pudding-stone, which includM !? ?bblea of qu?s