Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/635

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�APPF. NOIX. �C. consist of a sandy calcareous cement, iadudi?g water-were portions of reddish ferruginous ma?r, with fragments shells. NOaTH ISLAIqD, one of Sir Edward Pellew's group.o Coarse siliceous sand, cohereted by ferruginous matter; which, in some places, is in the state of brown hematite. Calcareout incrustations, including fragments of madreporea, and of shells, cemented by splintcry carbonate of lime. Ca,,a-Mama ISLat?O, in Liramen's Bight, was found by Mr. Brown to be composed principally of sand-stone. The Sl?cimens from this place, however, consist of grey sp//ntenj /un'mtone, with tracea of a siaty structure; and of yellowish- grey flint, approaching to caleedony; with a conrac variety of cacholong, containing small neats of quartz crystals. .Onoo? ]?YaaNu? is composed of taad-stons, of which two ditferent varieties occur among the specimens. A quartzone r?ld?h sand-stone, of moderately ane anain; and a coae reddish compound, consisting almost .exclusively of worn pebbles of quartz, some of which are more ?han half an inch in diameter, with a few rounded pebblea of ealce- dony. The latter rock is n?arly identical with that of Simms' Island, near Goulbom's Island on the north count. Ca.t?a IaaaNo, Wmm?z... sam Is?mo, and BUa?'s Is?aNO, are of the same materlain az Groote Eylandt: and sand- tton? wa? found alao on the wentern shore of ]?ava-Mwo Bay. On the shorn of the mainland, oppoaite to Groote landt, a little north of latitude 14 ?, Mr. Brown ol?erved the "common sandy calcareous stone, projecting here and there 'in ragged ftYgment?."'