Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/645

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�APPENDIX. [C. The comenting lime-stone in the rock ? this island, is very like ?ome of the more eompact portions of the stone of Ouadaloupe, which contains the human skeletoas, the hardaess and fi?tcture being nearly the same in both. The chief difference of these rocks seems to arise from the na- ture of the comented subetancos ;?which, in the Ooada= loupe stone, being themselves calcareous, am incorporated, or melted as it were, into the coment, by insensible gra- dation*; while the quartzose sand, in that of Dirk Harto?'s Island, is strongly eontrssted with the calcareous matter that surrounds itt. But, wherever the imbedded fragments in the !aiter consist of lime-stone, their union with the coment is eomp!ete. Ro??ssT IS?-?D, ?tbout four hundred and fifty miles south of Dirk Hartog's Island.--lndistinct specimens con- tnining numerous fragments of shells, in a calcareous co- meat; the substanee of these shells has at first sight the et ?e eomposent d'un [?and nembre de zones eoncentriqms, qui se ?vdop!?nt ,,u?enr d'un ney?u cenW?! d'un [r? stintill,or branlitre. Ces dlvers?s conches ont ? peine qnzlqu?s milllmltres d'?ds?eur, et ?,ffeetent des nuanees ?,r?ables, qui wdent delmis I? rong?fone? jusqu'au jaune-clair. L- dinposition g?n?rale de e?t? breche lui donne done qnelques rapports g?ossinrs $cranit giobnleux de rile de Cor?; et, l?r sea couches eoneen?iques, elle a quelqne chose de !'sspect des Ag?hes-Onyx. ..... ? banes de gz?s divers dont je viens de pader, eon?i. �oi. L p. 110. ,See also Freycinet, p. 187.

  • 8ee Mr. Kmnig's Paper. Phil. Tram. vol. eiv. (1814) p. IO7,

�+ Ca!?aln Kin? informs me tl?t the ?oundings in this part of the eo?t, bring up & very fine quertso?-ss?l, like thzt eemmted in the bre?zia.