Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/75

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?56 SUIIYEY OF? THE IN?EIITROPICAL ?s?. it we found several varieties of coral, partio,lady. ?. e, xpla?ia ?e,?enter?, Leto.; 'ca?/op?ll?a g?aa, Lain.; and po?te? ?ub?, Lain.: the only shell that we observed upon the reef was a ddptd?ml.a lacingS, I.,am. (turbo ddpldnus, Linn.): After obtaining bearings from its extremity, as also from the s,,mmit of the outer dry rock, w? landed upon a small verdant.looking grassy. mound, the northernmost islet of'the group; but we found verdure of its appearance was caused only by the abundance of the sp/?/fex, through which we, had, as usual, much difficulty in travelling. After procuring some' bearings from its summit, We re-embarked, and pulled up Munster Water, supposing that it was connected with the strait at the back of Greviile Island; but as the tide, then flowing, was running in a contrary direc; tion to what was expected from the hypothesia we had formed, we began to suspect some other. communication with the sea, and in this we were not deceived; for a narrow, but a very deep strait opened suddenly to our view, at the bottom of the Water, through which. some of the islands in the offing were recognised. In pulling. through we had kept close to the soutk shore, that we might not miss the commlHli- cation with Hanover Bay, but notwithstanding. all our care, w? passed by without noticing it,