Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/80

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?O?rs o? ;X?A. 61' Rotlmay and MUnster Waters with the main ?ssi, stream..The vessel was at times unmanageable, A?a from the violent whirlpools through which we passed, 'and was more than once Whirled com- pletely round upon her keel; but OUr'former experience of a s'mdlar event prepared us to expect it, and the yards were'as quickly braced round. Having passed all the dangers, the ebb.tide very soon carried us out of the river into Hano- ver Bay. In passing the easternmost of the outer isles, the shrill voices of natives'were heard oiling to us, and Bundell returned their shOUt, but it was some time before we could discern them, on account of the very rugged nature of the island: at last, three 'Indians were observed standing upon the' rocks near the summit of the island, but, as the tide was running out with great strength, we were soon out of hearing. Soon 'after one o'clock the brig was anchored at about half a mile off the sandy' beach 'in HanOver Bay, in eight fathoms, (half'flood,) muddy bottom. The boats were immediately hoisted out and sent up the river, but the tide was 'ebbing, and the difficulty of filling the casks so great that, after great labOUr, we.only pro- eure.d a puncheon of water. The launch was moored without the rocky bed Of the river, while