Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/91

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A?,? titan any we had begore seen; the tallest must imve been at least six feet. two'i aches high; ti?ir bodies w?re ?arred all over; their teeth � native had his hair eo!l?! into a knob ?t top of hi? head, which gav? him a feroeio? l?mmee. The puniihme?t thz? ?o justly eeived will make them respect in futur s the for. 'midablo nature of our arms. At night we hauled the seine, and p? al?ut four dozen fish, principally mullet. An �?med l?rty was statioued above the beaeh to prevent any 9Atack ft?m the natives, but tlmy s did not slmw themhelve. On the following day we again heant them shouting and hallooil, but it was ? time before we could ob?rv? tbsit situation; at last live were didovexed by 'the a?d of a ?, ireraZed on the maualit spears; at a little distance were two one of whom was distinguished to be the na- tive ? had e?nped unwmmded; the o.?er, ?, was chopping a branch otfa tree, which he w? seen to trim and scrape intn a 'rough ploy? they ?? ludlaoed 1o ?; no notico w? hOw? t?ke? of their crio?, although tho Di?iti?ocl by Googlc