Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/187

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We dined at one, and had scarcely finished our repast, when the street became, all of a sudden, thronged with people: there was a cock-fight going on in a temporary theatre, which had been erected nearly opposite our house. I paid a trifle for entrance, and had the pleasure of finding myself seated in the dress boxes, amongst some of my fair partners of the preceding evening: great order and decorum were observed, and, with the exception of a little difference of opinion between some parties, in the back benches, as to the construction and adjudication of their bets, but which, although they were by no means frequent, might have puzzled "the Board of Claims," the performance passed off with great approbation and éclat. The birds were well matched, and their condition would have satisfied the learned and critical discernment of Columella himself. I could never witness the feats of these pugnacious creatures, without feelings of respect for them: there is a tribute due to innate bravery,