Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/238

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[CH. XV.


A Guatemalian family.—State of the Slave Trade.—Fête at Jocotenango.—Political notions of the people.

Thursday, the 9th June.—This being the octave of Corpus Christi, great feastings and revels were renewed throughout the city: I accompanied my friends to dine with a highly respectable family of the name of Gutierrez: the dinner was altogether Spanish both as to the number and quality of the dishes. The young ladies of this family were very musical; they sung and accompanied each other both with the piano and the guitar in a style equal to any I had witnessed in these countries; besides which the piano was a tolerably good one. The Padre Ramon Solis, the confessor of the family, a deputy of the congress and much appreciated for his