Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/295

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reality or design, became so much affected with her situation, as to be obliged to lie down, which she very conveniently did in one of the beds of the next room. As there was only a door-way between the apartments, she was, of course, constantly attended by her gallants, who took her ices and such other refreshments as her case required. Her young female acquaintances appeared to feel much for her situation, and, to do them justice, I observed them often peeping, with anxiety, to see if they could render any assistance. One of them, not so well gifted as the rest in point of personal attractions, seemed to be the most sedate young person in the whole party; she was, also, of a very contemplative disposition; for, having fixed herself at the end of the bench near the door-way, she kept her eyes, as it were, rivetted on the couch of her unfortunate companion. How amiable is sympathy!!

Whether it was sympathy for her female companions or sympathy with her lovers I