Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/344

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up to that period, to make so little show of their hostility, that no bad result could fairly be anticipated from it; besides which, the alliance which the government fondly expected it was about to make seemed to secure its protection against any dangerous attack from internal enemies, who had not yet dared openly to declare themselves.

The president took some pains to satisfy me that the differences respecting the ecclesiastics of San Salvador and the Cabildo of the capital were not likely to produce any consequences destructive to the public harmony: he had, on a previous occasion, condescended to ask my opinion on the propriety of sending a minister to Great Britain, and now seemed resolved to come to a final determination with regard to this subject, on the present occasion: negotiations of so important a nature, I felt aware, it was not in my province to enter upon, and the friendly overtures were, accordingly, suppressed in limine. Valle had been offer-