Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/364

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nearest sides with abundance of foliage, and the farthest quarter swept off into the undulating plains over which I had passed on entering it on my journey from Sonsonate. The present view was preferable to the former, as it was more distinct and comprehensive. The yeco, or white cement, with which all the buildings are covered, when not composed of stone, gave them a lively and neat appearance, and sparkling in the sun, contrasted boldly with the leafy verdure of the surrounding scene. From this point the road turns abruptly from the town, which is no more to be seen upon the journey: on the left, as we proceeded, were appearances of considerable cultivation, as also, a little farther on, to the right; but, as we advanced, they were no longer to be found, and the country put on a more rugged and uncouth appearance: I remember comparing it, in my imagination, to a Brobdignag's ploughed field and ourselves to Gulliverians working our way through the clods, which the broken hills, now forming