Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/371

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this piece of wood with me to England, and he obligingly offered to convey it for me on his own mule, and to walk, himself, to the resting place to which we were going. With exceedingly great difficulty we raised it upon the mule, and with still greater contrived to bring it to the hacienda. Once or twice we were about to abandon the project, for, not having the proper requisites for making it fast, it rolled about upon the back of the poor animal, which seemed even more inclined to part with it than ourselves.

The next morning, when we were on the point of starting, the bailiff informed me that he was sorry I had taken the trouble to bring home the log: it was the property of Señora Morales, but had been found too heavy to bring away without a sledge. Having told him that I had conveyed it for myself, he retired to consult with the hostess, and informed me the price of it was eight dollars. It was intended for a crushing roller of one of the mills which