Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/379

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made myself for the occasion, being applied as tight as it could be attached, the bleeding fortunately subsided by degrees, and in the course of an hour I was well enough to resume my journey. I took a most deliberate view of the ford before I ventured again into this deceitful river, and my little horse trembled at every step he took: his courage, which was always indomitable, had been quite cooled upon this occasion, and he might, as the jockies say, have been governed with a packthread. On reaching the opposite bank I was glad to find that he was still fresh in vigour and spirit, and as I had written the communication which I wished to make to Mr. Bayley, as also a despatch to the government, I pushed forward to come up with my party, before night fall, at a good gallop, occasionally feeling my temple to ascertain if all was right;—the wound continued to bleed very slightly, and, before dusk, I reached Guastotoia.

This is a village containing about 400 souls: in the centre of it was a large cot-