Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/44

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[CH. II.

rading about in their holiday cloaths on this beautiful but sultry evening. They came to ask me what I would have for supper: I said, half pettishly, "oh there is nothing that I can find here that I should like, unless it were a pailful of ice." "Alli está Señor," There it is, Sir, was the reply, and a man was pointed out to me who was selling it at the corner of the market-place. Struck with the singularity of a circumstance so unexpected, I rose to convince myself of the fact: it was pretty correct: the man's pail was more than half full, but, from the incessant demands upon it, it seemed likely to be immediately exhausted: there was no time to be lost: the bargain seemed about to be dissolved before it was struck. I made him an offer for the remainder: it was purchased for seven rials and a half, and carried off to my lodgings, to the amusement of those who had made good their purchases, and the disappointment of other thirsty expectants, who, however, had the discretion or good humour to join in the laugh.