Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/70

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[CH. IV.

mination, although taken separately, which could lead to their crimination.

The Carmen, Indiaman, Captain Proudfoot, from China, was lying in the harbour, and we went on board her: she had suffered dreadfully in a gale, a fortnight before she made the port, had lost her mizen, and was so leaky that they had been able to save her only by passing a sail under her, which had fortunately effected the purpose required. She was laden with China goods, the duties of which would have been valuable to the Government, if they had been made available; but, from the system which was going on, I had much doubt whether they would prove so, to any thing like the extent which the republic had a right to expect.

In the evening, about 200 troops were reviewed in the Plaza. On one side of this square, is a shed where some of the authorities, and particularly the Commissary General, were sitting and going through their business with solemnity and import-